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Graduate TA Handbook and Resources

A Handbook for Teaching Assistants and Teaching Fellows in Arts & Sciences

Things You Should Know: Policies & Regulations

There are various policies and regulations that faculty must adhere to at William & Mary. Although you are not a member of the faculty, as a teaching assistant or teaching fellow you should be aware of these policies and adhere to them just as faculty do.

Be sure you are familiar with the policies in the A&S Graduate Student Handbook, many of which are also referenced below.
You are required to protect student information according to FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act).
  • This includes posting grades and returning work to students in a way that protects their "personally identifiable" information and any confidential information. FERPA also requires that you not give out directory information for any student who has placed a block on their records. You may not provide information about a student's grades, class performance, or attendance to a parent or legal guardian unless the student has filed consent for that information to be shared through the Personal Information Questionnaire in Banner. If you are unsure about the right course of action, speak with a faculty member in your program.
Resources Regarding Academic Integrity and Violations of the Honor Code
University Policy on Preferred Names, Gender Pronouns, and Gender Identity and how this Policy is implemented by the Registrar.
Title IX Reporting Requirements
  • As a TA or TF you are considered a "responsible employee" and are obligated to report instances of sexual misconduct involving students, including sexual violence and sexual harassment. If a student discloses information to you about such an incident, you are required by law to report information about the incident to W&M's Title IX coordinator. The best way to report is using this online form.  
  • If you think a student is about to disclose information to you about an incident of sexual misconduct, you may want to remind them gently of your reporting obligations. They may be looking for your support but may not be ready to report the incident to the university.
  • For more guidance on Title IX requirements and on ways to respond to a student's disclosure, give special attention to the online Haven Training which you will be required to complete. In addition, the bottom of this page contains basic information about responding to a student's disclosure.
W&M's Grading System (23-24 Catalog)
Guidelines Regarding Class Attendance and related issues: