Archibald F. Ward, Jr. PapersRelate to Archibald Ward when he was Chaplain at Eastern State Hospital. Notebook "textbook" labeled "Psycho-Biology" which includes handwritten case notes, notebook "textbook", "Neuropsychiatric Seminars, 1958-1959" edited by Leonard J. Ravitz, M.D. which includes training session material and case notes from Eastern State Hospital and what appears to be typed excerpts from a journal entitled "From Francis to Ironbound...and Beyond" which mentions events around Williamsburg, Virginia, bound notebook "Lecture I to Staff of Eastern State Hospital...a Definition of Psychosomatic Phenomen" by Sanford I. Cohen, M.D. and other lectures, dated Jan. 30, 1958, a pamphlet "Therapeutic Procedures for the Chaplain" written by Archibald F. Ward, Jr. and a reprint of an Apr. 1952 article from the Virginia Medical Monthly, "Mental Health" by Joseph E. Barrett, M.D.
Also includes Notebook of Photocopies of Archibald F Ward, Jr. Papers. Notebook compiled by Ann Ward Little and entitled, "Archibald F. Ward, Jr., Biographical Sketch and Papers relating to Magruder and Camp Peary" dated June 30, 2004.