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Animal Studies Research Guide

What is animal studies? What search terms should I use to find sources on nonhuman animals within the humanities? How can I study issues of animal exploitation as an undergraduate? This research guide aims to answer these questions for students at Swem.

Why vegetarian and veganism?

Vegetarianism and veganism are consistent with animal studies' assertion that nonhuman animals are subjects-of-a-life, rather than objects, commodities, or machines. It follows that the human exploitation of nonhuman animals for food and other byproducts fails to consider animals as autonomous beings. Adopting a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle is a direct way to challenge the current systems of oppression that exploit nonhuman beings as commodities rather than individual subjects.

Vegetarians refrain from eating meat, including beef, pork, poultry, and seafood. Most vegetarians still consume dairy and egg products.

Vegans refrain from eating all animal products, including meat, dairy, and eggs. Lifestyle vegans also avoid using commercial animal products including leather, fur, and cosmetics made with and/or tested on animals. It is possible to be a lifestyle vegan without adopting a fully vegan diet (i.e., eating vegetarian and abstaining from clothing, toiletries, etc. made from animal products).

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