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BUAD 5407: Marketing Strategy


Welcome to the research guide for BUAD 5407, which was created for students enrolled in the Online MBA Marketing course. The guide aligns key library resources and services with fundamentals of marketing and the Marketing Strategy assignment. Use the navigation on the left to identify and locate resources that are essential to completing this assignment.

Accessing Library Resources & Services

Current W&M students may access library resources and services by visiting:

Research Consultations

Students may schedule research consultations with any of the Business Librarians at McLeod Business Library. Librarians tailor these individual and/or group appointments to your research question, and we can help you find specific information including articles, reports, data, and more.

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
William Judd
McLeod Business Library
Raymond A. Mason School of Business
Alan B. Miller Hall
101 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185