William & Mary Libraries will archive datasets and their documentation in W&M ScholarWorks, supporting the data through changing technologies, media, and data formats. William & Mary Libraries provides guidance and support for all aspects of the data lifecycle, from planning data management strategy through preserving data at the conclusion of the project, and works with researchers to insure this process includes appropriate documentation and requirements for data integrity.
A standardized metadata record for the data will be added to repository. This record includes a standardized data citation with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to provide permanent linking and access, gives credit to the research team, and enables users to obtain a copy of the product. W&M Publish provides public, open access to the deposited data, via full-text searchable records, making them discoverable through Google, Google Scholar, and other large search engines.
Read more on how to submit your data here.
A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a document of varying formats which describes how a researcher or research group will steward data collected before, during and after a research project. A DMP outlines types of data created, how it will be stored, organized and shared.
The California Digital Library's DMPTool is a free online tool that can be used by anyone to develop generic or funder-specific DMPs. It is the recommended interface for creating DMP's as required by specific funding agencies and incudes step-by-step instructions and guidance. The tool also offers resources such as templates for public funding agencies, a list of participating institutions, and examples of public plans to help fulfill your data management requirements.
With William & Mary as an administrator of the DMP tool, you will be able to log in with your WM ID, save, share and collaborate on DMP creation, submit DMP for review by librarians, and access information about William & Mary specific support.
The contents of a good data management plan should include:
More resources and plan examples can be found via the University of Melbourne, the ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research), or the University of Minnesota.
DMP's not required by funding agencies can be created in any format.
The DMP tool is the place to start when a funding agency requires a Data Management Plan as part of your grant proposal.