Discourse on Anglo-Saxon AscendencyA handwritten discourse on the moral causes of the ascendency of the Anglo Saxon race delivered at Alexandria, Virginia, Lyceum, Dec. 15, 1846, and Jan. 5, 1847. First page: "Ladies and Gentlemen, I shall venture to throw on your indulgence, this evening, some observations on the moral causes o the ascendency of the Anglo-Saxon race. As most of us here present belong to that branch of the great human family, our interst may be supposed to be peculiar in considerations arising out of its history, its duties, and its destinies." He uses English and American history as the platform for his speech. Footnotes to his sources appear sporafically through the text. Subjects touched upon are American/English character, how many people the North American territory can hold, formation of the English language, the English legal system and United States constitution, Monroe doctrine, Virginia Declaration or Rights, Mexico, extension of territory and much more.