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Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies

A guide to informational and research resources about gender, sexuality, and women's studies.

Primary Sources via Library Databases

Find Additional Primary Sources

How to Search for Primary Sources:

1.  Primary Resources  -  Click to view a guide to primary sources.

2.  Primary sources include diaries, letters, official documents, interviews, newspaper articles and magazine articles of the time period, etc.    Ask at the Research Desk for help in identifying ways to search for these.

For example, many primary source materials might have been published as collections of letters (or "correspondence"), diaries, autobiographies, etc.   

To search Swem Library's catalog or other catalogs and databases for these types of primary source materials, try search strategies such as these:

     A.   (diaries or letters or correspondence or journals or interviews) and women   

     B.   women and autobiography


Swem Library's Special Collections 


Primary Source Resources available via the Web: Just a Few

Discovering American Women's History

Library of Congress's American Women website

African-American Women Writers of the Nineteenth Century

American Women's History: Research Guide 

American Memory (Women) - Library of Congress

Gifts of Speech: Women's Speeches from Around the World

Civil War Women 

Index to Women's History EText 

New York Public Library: Gay & Lesbian History

OAIster - University of Michigan's union catalog of digital archives.

Primary Sources in Women's History 

Women in World History

Women's History Picture Gallery 

Women Making History and Culture: 1963-1982

Sophia Smith Collection:  Women's History Archives at Smith College

Yale University's AVALON Project: Documents in Law, History & Diplomacy  
