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HIST 491: Energy Transition and the Politics of Climate Change (Spring 2024)

Steps to finding Scholarly sources

  1. Determine which databases to use for your search
  2. Write out your topic
  3. Identify key terms
  4. Consider synonyms or variants
  5. construct boolean searches
  6. Revise based on initial search results

Due to the scope and interdisciplinary nature of this class, I suggest using:

Example: How does ecocritical media affect public perception of climate change? Focus area: fictional films/shows

How does ecocritical media affect public perception of climate change? Focus area: fictional films/shows

(ecocritical OR ecocinema) AND (media OR film OR television) AND (public OR opinion* OR perception*)

Try searches in 


Example: Why haven’t non-energy corporations embraced renewable tech, specifically solar?

Why haven’t non-energy corporations embraced renewable tech, specifically solar?

solar AND energy AND (resist* OR reluct* OR barrier*) AND (industr* OR compan* OR corporation*)


Example: "To what extent have international climate agreements, with a focus on the Paris Agreement, influenced the formulation and implementation of national energy policies in selected countries?"

"To what extent have international climate agreements, with a focus on the Paris Agreement, influenced the formulation and implementation of national energy policies in selected countries?"

"paris agreement" AND climate AND ("national energy policies" OR "national energy policy")

Example: How American Military Involvement in the Middle East Has Hindered the Global Shift to Renewable Energy

How American Military Involvement in the Middle East Has Hindered the Global Shift to Renewable Energy

(america* OR "united states") AND ("middle east" OR afghanistan OR iraq OR iran) AND (military OR war OR conflict) AND ("energy market" OR "energy markets" OR renewable*) AND energy

Narrowed search to (america* OR "united states") AND ("middle east" OR afghanistan OR iraq OR iran) AND (military OR war OR armed) AND "renewable energy"

Example: a case study analyzing the Inflation Reduction Act, the Build Back Better Act, and possibly one other policy that has implications for climate policy in the United States

a case study analyzing the Inflation Reduction Act, the Build Back Better Act, and possibly one other policy that has implications for climate policy in the United States


 "climate policy" AND "inflation reduction act"

 "climate policy" AND "build back better"

Example: What are the gaps between the capacity of our contemporary technologies and a climatic future where warming does not exceed 1.5°C?

What are the gaps between the capacity of our contemporary technologies and a climatic future where warming does not exceed 1.5°C?

"Climate change" AND ("Technological challenges" OR "Technology challenges")

"Climate change" AND ("emission technology" OR "emissions technologies") AND "1.5"


Example: I intend to study nuclear power’s role in modern geopolitics, specifically nuclear power plants as potential targets and liabilities of modern war and as catalysts for nuclear proliferation.

I intend to study nuclear power’s role in modern geopolitics, specifically nuclear power plants as potential targets and liabilities of modern war and as catalysts for nuclear proliferation.

("nuclear power" AND geopolitic*)

"nuclear power" AND target* AND warfare

"nuclear power plants" AND target* AND (warfare OR wars OR "military conflicts")

"nuclear power plants" AND proliferation AND weapon*

Example: What role will international energy companies (IOCs) play in the energy transition and under what circumstances will this role serve as a positive contribution to the energy transition

What role will international energy companies (IOCs) play in the energy transition and under what circumstances will this role serve as a positive contribution to the energy transition

("international energy companies" OR "IOCs") AND ("energy transition" OR "renewable energy")

Example: How will resource-rich countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo adapt to the global energy transition from an over-reliance on fossil fuels to renewable energy sectors?

How will resource-rich countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo adapt to the global energy transition from an over-reliance on fossil fuels to renewable energy sectors?  

"resource rich countries" AND (Adapt OR transition) AND "renewable energy"

or narrow to specific country

congo AND (Adapt* OR transition) AND "renewable energy"