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HIST 301: Historian's Craft (Petty, Fall 2024)

~~A monstrous beaste~~

Attached is an 1511 account of the New World by Spanish explorer Peter Martyr d'Anghiera, translated from Latin to English in 1555 by Richard Eden.

In your groups, consider the following:

  • What animal is being described?
  • What difficulties do you have reading the text?
  • To what extent is translation an issue?

Read only the passage:

Emonge theſe trees is fownde that monstrous beaſte with a ſnowte lyke a foxe, a tayle lyke a marmaſette, eares lyke a batte, handes lyke a man, and feete lyke an ape, bearing her whelpes abowte with her in an owtwarde bellye much lyke vnto a greate bagge or purfe. The deade carkas of this beaſt, you ſawe with me, and turned it ouer and ouer with yowre owne handes, marueylynge at that newe belly and wonderfull prouifion of nature. They ſay it is knowen by experience, that ſhee neuer letteth her whelpes goo owte of that purſe, except it bee eyther to play, or to ſucke, vntyl ſuche tyme that they bee able to gette theyr lyuing by them felues. They tooke this beafte with her whelpes : But the whelpes dyed fhortely after in the ſhyppes. Yet the damme liued certeyne moonethes : But at the length, not beinge able to abyde foo greate alteration of ayer, and chaunge of meate, fhee dyed alfo in the way. But ofthis beafte, wee haue fayde enowgh.