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HIST 212: The Haitian Revolution (Spring 2024)

Boolean in Readex

  • AND
    • Search two terms together
      • Ex. Slave AND revolt
  • OR
    • Searches one or the other
      • blacks OR negroes 
  • NOT
    • Excludes results with this term
    • NOT Charleston
      • note: you may accidentally lose relevant results. Best to limit NOT commands to the Headline field
  • NEAR#
    • searches two terms within # proximity of each other. Order doesn't matter.
      • slave NEAR15 revolt will only return results in which these terms are 15 words apart
  • ADJ#
    • Search two terms within # words apart, in the given order
      • François ADJ3 Louverture  will bring up François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture, François Toussaint Louverture, and François Louverture
    • searches as a phrase
      • "Saint Domingue" only brings up articles where the terms are next to each other
        • note you may miss other spellings like St. Domingue
    • covers all forms of a word
      • Domin* covers domingue, Domingo, Dominican, Dominic
        • note it also gives you false hits. In this case it also gives Dominion, domino, domineer, and others unrelated (I assume) to your intended topic.
        • Unlike other databases, Readex lets you put * in the middle of a word
          • labo*r will cover labor or labour
    • Covers 1 letter only
      • Ha?ti will cover both “Haiti” or “Hayti”
  • Parentheses ()
    • Good for OR searches
      • (negro* OR black) AND revolt*