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HIST 181: African History to 1800 (Fall 2024)

Articles: Starting Points


  • Keep it simple!
    • Only use a few search terms at once, connected by AND
    • Example: Africa AND Islam
  • Use nouns (people/place/thing/film) as search terms in the search
    • Example: Impact of the crusades on the spread of Christianity in Africa?
      • Africa AND crusades AND Christianity 
  • Limit to books and ebooks.
  • Use Boolean!
    • islam* AND "north africa" and History
  • When you find an article on your topic, open it and pay attention to the subject terms!
    • There is a special subject headings for Islamic law -- Africa, North -- History -- To 1500
  • Limit to peer reviewed materials
    • Avoids pop-press articles
  • Do NOT limit to full text
    • Even if a database thinks we don't own an article, we frequently do have access through another databases. Use the "find at W&M" button to check.
    • OR use ILL order a PDF at no cost -- we'll email it to your @wm address.


Suggested search terms for Articles in Databases

  • Use country names as Subjects, not keywords.
  • Pay attention to subject terms when searching with keywords. Update accordingly.
  • Searches that work well for finding books will also help find articles.