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HIST 181: African History to 1800 (Fall 2024)

What is a Primary Source?

A Primary Source is a historical document or artifact or person from the time period under study. This may include:

  • diaries
  • journals
  • newspapers
  • contemporary publications
  • autobiographies
  • music/songs
  • letters
  • artifacts
  • Legal documents
  • Literature

NOTE: Whether a a source is primary or secondary depends on the topic being studied. Example:

  • The Epic of Son-Jara is a 15th century epic poem about a 13th century founder of the Empire of Old Mali.  It would not be a primary source  for the founding because it's 2 centuries after the fact. However, it would be a primary source if you're studying the 15th century culture that created the epic. 

What is a Secondary Source?

A secondary source is a work written about, and usualy after, a historical event. This may include:

  • Academic articles
  • Books
  • Biographies
  • Magazine articles
  • Interviews years later

Secondary Sources: Peer Review VS Scholarly

In Academe, we are especially interested in a specific type of secondary source: Peer Reviewed Publications.

But what's the difference between scholarly, peer reviewed, popular, or refereed?

Scholarly: A source written by an expert, but not subjected to the peer review process. 
Example: magazine articles (if written by expert), public presentations, reviews, opinion pieces.

Refereed: Academic work that has some level of vetting, usually by an editor or panel. 
Example: Conference papers, journal articles that are approved by an editor but not external reviewers.
NOTE: refereed is often used interchangeably with Peer Reviewed by databases, but it isn't always the same.

Popular: Written for a wide readership. May or may not be written by a subject expert.
Examples: newspaper or magazine, popular press books, websites.

Peer Reviewed: Academic books and articles written by a specialist, reviewed by other experts, and published by an academic press.
Examples: Articles in academic journals, some conference papers, books published  by university presses.

Types of Secondary Sources (Not just books and articles!)

Why do we use books sometimes instead of articles? What is the difference between a chapter and an article, since they're about the same length? Why isn't an encyclopedia article considered a peer reviewed article, and why isn't an encyclopedia the same as a book?  

Each format has a different function, different scope, different purpose.  Know this helps you know where to start your search.

Every type of scholarly source has a specific purpose and scope, and knowing what each publication is meant to do will help you know where to start. The general types are:

  • Reference Books: Broad overviews of a very large topic
  • Research Books: (monographs): Argumentative study of a reasonably large topic
  • Book Chapter: Narrow focus on a specific topic, but within the context of a larger topic/book. Can be both summary & argument)
  • Article: Narrow focus, very argumentative. Extremely specific. Not good for general information -- you need to know background info already.
  • Book Review: a brief summary of a book. Not a peer reviewed source
  • Dissertation: You shouldn't be using these in this class. A dissertation is an Extremely focused, book-level study of a very specific topic.  These are not peer reviewed & not really considered "published."