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HIST 150: The Family in Premodern Europe (Spring 2025)


There are 8 searches your team has to complete.

After you finish each, call over the librarian. If your answer is correct, I'll show you the next question. First team to win gets a prize!

1) Find a Book!

Using the Library Catalog, please find me any book or ebook about courtly love in medieval France.


  • limit to books and ebooks
  • use boolean (ex, AND, quotation marks, etc)
  • There are several possible options!

2) Find a Research Article!

Using the history database  Historical Abstracts,  find me recent (2010 and later) peer-reviewed article about the Divorce of Henry VIII


  • Limit to article published after 2010
  • use boolean (and, quotation marks, etc)
  • be sure the article is Peer Reviewed
  • be sure to go into "search options" and deselect "also serach within the full text" and "apply equivalent subjects"
    • If you miss this step, the search becomes much harder.


3) Find a Book Review!

Using PRIMO (the main library catalog, but expanded beyond books), please find a book review of Ozment's Three Behaim Boys


  • It helps to use boolean
  • You can find book reviews in Historical Abstracts too, but PRIMO is sometimes easier.
  • Use the book review feature in the catalog


4) Find a Sourcebook Document!

The libraries have numerous "Sourcebooks," or collections of translated & reprinted primary source documents

One of your readings for this classLove, Marriage, and Family in the Middle Ages is an example of a sourcebook.

There are sourcebooks on the table at the back of the room. 

Find any document in any of the books relating to the themes of this class: family, marriage, household, etc. 

Show me when you're ready, and be ready to explain why the document fits.


  • Some books will Not have documents you need.
  • Some books will have whole sections on Family in the Medieval period.
  • You'll need to skim multiple volumes to find good documents.


5) Find a Book Chapter!

Using the Library catalog, please find me a CHAPTER about adultery in Medieval England.



  • Use the library catalog limited to books and ebooks
  • use boolean (quotation marks, AND, etc)
  • sometimes you can use the "Chapters" feature in the catalog, but not often-- in this case, it will NOT help you
  • Consult the Table of Contents of your results to find a chapter.
  • There are several correct options

6) Find a Librarian!

From the main library webpage, find when the Religious Studies Librarian is holding office hours on Oct 31, 2024.


  • It's somewhere on the library homepage!

7) Find a Primary Source

Using any of the primary source databases highlighted on the Primary Sources tab of this guide,  find any primary source about students or student life in premodern Europe.


  • keep searches very simple, no more than one or two words
  • If two used, use boolean (AND or quotation marks)
  • You may need to try several databases
  • simple, one word searches are best
    • don't over-think it!
  • Remember, these databases are already about the premodern world and about history, so "premodern" or "history" or "primary sources" are NOT terms you need to use.
    • limit publication date as needed
    • if you're in a history database, you don't need to type in History
  • There are many options/answers to this question.