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HIST 491C / LAS 450/ AMS 490 / Africana 406: Race and Racism in the Americas (Spring 2024)

What are Primary & Secondary Sources?

A Primary Source are first hand accounts & materials from the period under examination. These may include:

  • diaries
  • journals
  • newspapers
  • contemporary publications
  • autobiographies
  • music/songs
  • recordings or images
  • films
  • letters
  • government reports

For this class, it will also include novels, literature, images.

A Secondary Source is produces after the fact and is not produced during the time under examination. Some of this contact may be popular culture artifacts, such as:

  • films
  • biographies
  • art
  • film & television
  • websites
  • books
  • government reports

Some of these secondary sources will also be academic or peer reviewed content namely books and articles.


Important for this class: When Primary & Secondary Sources Overlap

Sometimes a document that is a secondary source becomes a primary source.

For example, a peer reviewed article in a music journal from 2010 about a contemporary artist's album in 2000 is a secondary source.
HOWEVER the same article becomes a primary source if we, in 2024, use it to examine views in 2010.


This is a peer reviewed article in a Music journal from 2020.

It is studying Young Thug's career from the 2010 to 2020. In this context, it is a Secondary Source.

The article, if used as a contemporary discussion of his persona in 2020, it becomes a Primary Source.