If you're a professor moving your course online, consider partnering with W&M Libraries:
Contact your Subject Librarian to talk about the options!
When the Library is closed, or you prefer to work remotely, there are many ways the Libraries can provide you with expert help and services. Always check the Libraries website for the latest info about our hours and services.
You already know the library databases provide access to thousands of scholarly journals. The pages listed on the left side of this guide contain links to databases with perhaps some lesser-known content that can be accessed remotely, such as streaming video and music, as well as ebooks and data.
Subject librarians with expertise in specific areas are available for remote consultations via phone, email, or online (e.g. Zoom).
For faculty, librarians are able upon request to create library research assignments that students can accomplish 100% remotely.
W&M Libraries have loads of digital materials available for you if you can’t make it to campus to pick up physical items.
We can deliver journal articles and book chapters from the W&M Libraries collection and from other libraries directly to you at no charge.
You can also renew your books online - just log into Your Library Account. You will see your active loans displayed on the Loans section. Look for the title you need to renew and click renew. You can also renew all your active loans by selecting Renew All.
Materials can be returned at Swem or any of the library book drops. Due dates for all items have been extended for those unable to come to campus.
Have other remote needs? New ideas for how the Libraries can help you off-campus? Send your comments to us.