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Living Library at William & Mary Libraries

Find common ground through dialogue at the W&M Living Library, 3-7pm on March 22, 2024.


We will hold in-person and online orientation sessions prior to the event for Storytellers to attend. These sessions will allow you to ask questions about how the event will run, get feedback on your story, and confirm your event details. 

Day-Of Details

Planning for the day:

  • You will get to choose how long you stay at the event. Some Storytellers may be engaged all day, while others only come to tell their story for an hour. 
  • Whether one-on-one or in large groups, you will get to choose how big of a group you are comfortable telling your story to.
  • Plan to tell your story in whatever way feels most comfortable to you, whether that's a memorized script, some bullet points, or completely off the cuff. Props and photos are welcome. 

Logistics of the day:

  • You will have 20 minutes with your listeners to tell your story and engage in a Q&A/conversation, and we'll keep track of time. Ideally your story will take 10-15 minutes, with 5-10 minutes at the end for dialogue and questions. 
  • We've provided some buffer time between sessions in case conversation runs over, but please note that we will start new sessions right on time at the hour and half-hour mark. 
  • We will aim for every Storyteller to have at least one person listening to their story during each time block. If you find yourself without an audience, feel free to take a break or listen to another Storyteller.

Interacting with your listeners:

  • Every listener of your story will be different, and their reason for choosing your story will vary. We will provide "conversation starter" questions to help participants begin talking, if conversation lulls.
  • If questions become too personal, feel free to decline to answer.
  • The content of the discussion with attendees is, in principle, confidential. If you quote from other attendees, please don't mention their names.
  • If by chance you encounter a difficult reader, try to remain calm and move the discussion to a less controversial area. If you feel uneasy with a reader, you have the right to end the discussion or get the attention of an event organizer. 
  • Ground rules for the event will be posted throughout the event space.

Conversation Starters

  • Why did you choose to listen to my story?
  • Has anything about your worldview changed since hearing my story? How?
  • What made you decide to attend this event?
  • What would you have done in my position?
  • Does my experience reflect or differ from yours? How does that make you feel?