Digital Humanities (DH) is an interdisciplinary academic field that applies the computational tools and skills of data science and related fields to humanities and arts disciplines. It also applies critical thinking from the arts and humanities to the digital world that we live in today. DH is largely concerned with pedagogy and scholarship and inspires innovation in teaching, learning, and research.
Due to its innovative and evolving nature, DH definitions vary. Here is a project that has over 800 different definitions of DH that change every time you refresh the page.
For more information about diigtal humanites, digital tools, and copyright information for media that you will be using, check out the guides below:
The goal of a digital exhibit is that the selection and juxtaposition of components produces a narrative or new understanding in the audience. Curators should take an active role in designing digital exhibits that are engaging, accessible, and illuminating by selecting display elements and tools which aid their audience in interpretation, rather than passive consumption.