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French & Francophone Studies Resources

A guide to resources in French & Francophone language, literature, and culture.

W&M Library Databases

Below are listed databases containing scholarship related to French and Francophone Studies.  Most of these are subscription-based, paid for by W&M. You are encouraged to ask for help from me, the Swem research desk, or any research librarian if you're not sure how to best use any of these databases.

MLA International Bibliography
Literature, language, linguistics, literary theory, folklore, and the dramatic arts. International coverage of journal articles, series, books, dissertations, bibliographies, and scholarly websites. Includes the MLA Directory of Periodicals. Coverage: 1963-present.

Humanities International Complete
Literature & the literary arts, philosophy, the arts, history, culture, and creative thought. Journal articles, books, and other sources from around the world. Coverage: Varies by title.

Multidisciplinary full-text journal articles from 1,500 major journals. Please note: In many cases, JSTOR does not include the most recent 3 to 5 years of these journals. Please use other databases to retrieve recent articles, especially for current events topics. Coverage: Varies by title.

Literature Criticism Online
Commentaries on major literary works. Includes coverage of some major French titles and authors. Coverage: Varies by title.

Project Muse
Arts, humanities, and social sciences. Journal articles. More recent and current scholarship than JSTOR, but does not include as many journals or have as many archived issues.Coverage: Varies by title.

Arts & Humanities Citation Index
Archaeology, architecture, art, Asian Studies, classics, dance, film, radio, television, folklore, history, language and literature, music, philosophy, poetry, religion, and theater. Scholarly journals. Unique feature: ability to search citations to a person's work. Coverage: 1980-present. Does not include full text, but may link to source.

Persée offre un accès libre et gratuit à des collections complètes de publications scientifiques (revues, livres, actes de colloques, publications en série, sources primaires, etc.) associé à une gamme d'outils de recherche et d'exploitation.