The SCRC has print copies of many religious publications from the nineteenth and twentieth century. There are electronic versions of some of them available through Swem's catalog, often including additional years that the SCRC does not have in print. Below are some of the titles for which Swem has print copies. Keep in mind that the titles may have varied somewhat from what is listed here, as magazines often changed title.
American Baptist Magazine (Boston), 1821, 1826, 1828-1829, 1831-1834
Apostolic Advocate and Prophetic Interpreter (Richmond, Christadelphians), 1834-1837
Baptist Missionary Magazine (Boston), 1836
Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal (Foochow, Chiina), 1868-1912 (many American missionaries included)
Christian Examiner (Boston, Unitarian), 1846-1849, 1857-1869
Christian Family Annual (New York), 1842, 1844-1846, 1848-1849
Christian Monitor (Richmond), 1815-1817
Christian Visitant (Albany), 1815-1816
Christian's, Scholar's and Farmer's Magazine (Elizabeth-Town, NJ), 1789-1790
Church Eclectic (Utica, Episcopalian), 1873-1875, 1877-1883
Churchman's Monthly Magazine (New York, Episcopalian), 1857-1861
Evangelical and Literary Magazine (Richmond), 1821-1827
Evangelical Intelligencer (Philadelphia, Presbyterian), 1805-1809
Evangelical Magazine (Utica, Universalist), 1829, 1831-1833, 1835-1840, 1843-1844
Evergreen, or Monthly Church Magazine (New York, Episcopalian), 1844-1847
Glad Tidings and Ohio Universalist (Pittsburgh), 1837-1838
Gospel Herald (New York, Evangelical Association), 1820-1821
Guardian, or Youth's Religious Instructor (New Haven), 1822
Halcyon Luminary, and Theological Repository (New York), 1812
Methodist Magazine and Quarterly Review (New York), 1818-1828, 1852
Missionary Herald (Boston, Congregational), 1823, 1827-1828, 1831-1839, 1842-1859
Panopolist and Missionary Magazine (Boston, Congregational), 1804-1808, 1812-1813
Philadelphia Universalist Magazine and Christian Messenger, 1821-1823
Protestant Magazine (New York, Anti-Catholic), 1833-1834
Religious Magazine (Boston), 1833-1836
Spirit of the Pilgrims (Boston, Congregationalist), 1828, 1831-1833
Theological Magazine (New York), 1795
Trumpet and Universalist Magazine (Boston), 1858-1859
Unitarian Miscellany and Christian Monitor (Baltimore), 1821-1824
United States Catholic Miscellany (Charleston, SC), 1824
Universalist Magazine (Boston), 1819-1826
Utica Evangelical Magazine (Universalist), 1828-1829
Virginia Evangelical and Literary Magazine (Richmond), 1818-1820
Washington Theological Repertory (Washington, Protestant Episcopalian), 1820-1821
Western Messenger (Louisville, Unitarian), 1835-1841
Young Christian (New York, Universalist), 1851-1858