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HIST 212: The History of the African American Family (Spring 2025)

How much did they make, anyway?

This is NOT part of your assignment, but I want to take a moment to let you all know this exists. Historical statistics is an important field of historical research. How much did a dock worker make in 1820? How much in 1840? How much did a teacher in Boston make compared to a teacher in Richmond in 1850?  Thankfully, researchers have compiled this data for us.


Finding books of historical statistics

Use history AND statistics as a Subject search.  Add this to the search phrases you've already successfully used to find other secondary sources.


"united states" AND history AND Statistics AND 19th

"united states" AND "civil war" AND Statistics

"united states" AND history AND education AND Statistics 

These searches bring up compiled volumes of historical statistics like "Population history of eastern U.S. cities and towns, 1790-1870" and "120 years of American education : a statistical portrait"

We don't always buy these types of materials, so I strongly suggest looking in worldcat using the same method


In some fields, journals dedicated to publishing historical data are developing. 

An example is Journal of slavery and data preservation. The best way to find these works is to add Data OR statistics as a subject while searching for articles in America: History and life, which should point you toward these journals. example for SU "civil war" AND SU ((Data OR statistics))