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HIST 212: The History of the African American Family (Spring 2025)

Worldcat & PRIMO

  • Use the subject search ("personal narratives" OR diaries)   combined with the subject or individual you're studying.  Limit to books and ebook.
  • Limit the "publication" date to the period you're studying, or use the Archives tab.
    • I suggesting doing one or the other, not both together.
  • If you're using WorldCat, look under the archives tab.
    • if you find an interesting diary, go to the website of the university that holds the item; there is a chance it has been digitized.

You're likely going to have the best luck with WorldCat. 

It's unlikely we can ILL unpublished memoirs, which will live in Special Collections, but check the website of the archive that holds the item. There is a chance the volume has been digitized in the last few years -- many archives and special collections used COVID-19 to scan material.


Some highlights
