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HIST 301: The Historians Craft (Sheriff, Fall 2024)

Books at WM Libraries


  • Start with keywords.
  • Limit to books & ebooks.
  • Pay attention to Subject terms!
    • Once you find the subject terms for your topic, you can find every recent book on your topic
  • Any book in the catalog, even if it's at the Law library or Colonial Williamsburg Foundation library, can be picked up at Swem. Just use the request button in the catalog record.


Books Not as WM

Still not finding what you need? Use WorldCat to find & order books WM doesn't own!

WorldCat includes 3 billion items across 500 million records in 483 languages by 100 million authors, and it is the most complete record of books known to exist.  Before it was set up in 1998, people had to use the 754-volume National Union Catalog.

WorldCat works the exact same way as our catalog:

Search your keywords or subject and it'll generate a list of books.

It'll tell you if WM owns the book, and if not, who Does own it.

In most cases, WM can order it from the other library & you can pick it up right here in Swem - at no charge!

Interlibrary Loan & Book Purchase Requests