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HIST 301: The Historians Craft (Sheriff, Spring 2024)

Print Newspapers

The William & Mary Libraries has a modest but interesting collection of pre-1860s newspapers in the main (non-Special Collections) collection. 
Even high quality paper produced after ~1840 is notoriously brittle, and newspaper stock -- already cheap and low quality -- is even worse.
As a result, it is increasingly rare to find original 19th century newspapers, especially in a main library collection. The acid within the paper itself will, inevitably and unstoppably, destroy the paper.  Thankfully, most at-risk newspapers have been scanned into digital or microform or facsimile reprint copies, so the content itself won't be lost.

You are, however, among the last generations of historians who will get to handle the original materials directly, so please enjoy the process.

Print Newspapers for this Class

Please go to the Circulation Desk on the main floor to request these items. 
Volumes must say in the building, and please handle them with care. 
Please also dry your hands & refrain from eating/drinking while using these materials.
NOTE: You will have access to these materials via the circulation desk whenever the library is open. Please consult building hours on main library page

A special thanks to my outstanding colleague, Libby McDaniel, the Head of Cataloging & Metadata at the W&M Libraries. 
Without her work having these materials moved out of storage & re-cataloged, we wouldn't have these for our class!

Late 19th Century Newspapers

For print newspapers 1850-1900 held in the Library, please see the the link below.