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ARTH 373 - Urbanism: History & Theory


  1. Write out everything about which you’d like to learn - don’t worry about syntax/grammar
  2. Pull out the key terms, phrases or concepts from these sentences
    • Make a list of terms, phrases, or concepts
    • Combine similar ideas
    • Think of synonyms for these terms
  3. Combine these terms with connectors to build search strings
    • Look at the subject terms as you search to add to your key terms list

Types of Sources

Types of Sources
  • Periodicals
  • Books
  • Blogs and Social Media
  • Social Media
  • Multimedia
  • Reference

Primary vs. Secondary Sources

  • Primary - Provides first-hand account 
    • Drawings
    • Site plans
    • Photos
    • Models
    • Business Records
    • Historical Manuscripts
  • Secondary - Analysis/interpretation of a primary source
    • Periodicals
    • Books

Scholarly vs. Popular Sources

  • Scholarly
    • Author(s) = credentialed
    • Sources = cited
    • Peer-reviewed/Refereed
    • Intended audience = scholars/academics
  • Popular
    • Author(s) = not always credentialed
    • Opinion based/advocacy- oriented
    • Few (if any) references cited
    • Broad audience


Examples of Periodical Types:

Newspaper: New York Times

Popular Magazine: Town & Country Magazine

Trade Journal: Architect Magazine

Scholarly Journal: Architecture & Culture

Search Tips

  • Advanced Search and Filters
    • Narrow down your search by using the advanced search feature or the filters on the side of your results
    • There are more options in the filters pane 
    • Suggested filters: Material Type, Publication Date, Language, Subject
  • Boolean Term or Connecters
    • AND, OR, NOT (must be capitalized)
    • Boolean Terma are often built into the advanced search or can be typed into search bar
    • These terms connect larger concepts in order to narrow or broaden your results
    • AND - narrows results; tells database that all of terms in search string must be present
    • OR - broadens results; tells database to bring back any of the terms in the search string
    • NOT - excludes certain results; tells database to skip over results implied by other terms in your search string
  • Grouping Techniques
    • Put exact phrases in quotation marks (Ex: “The Grove LA”)
    • Searching works a lot like math, when using a combination ot boolean terms use parentheses  Ex: "lifestyle centers" AND ("urban design" OR "urban planning")

Writing Help

Annotated Bibliography

  • Evaluation, not a summary
    • Typically 50-100 words
  • Avoid quoting abstracts or summaries - paraphrase in your own words
  • Keep track of your research
    • Put sources in dialogue with each other
  • Use the annotated bibliography to help define the scope of your paper