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ARTH 373 - Urbanism: History & Theory

Source Group Activity 9/25

For this activity, image that you are trying to find sources for your project and you have chosen to look at a case study on The Grove in Los Angeles. You chose this project because you are interested in the planning of lifestyles centers and expansion of historic sites.

Given your group's source, evalaute it using either the ACT UP or PROVEN Method with the mentioned topic in mind.

Source Evaluation Methods

The ACT UP Method

A - Author. Who created the resource? Who are they? Background information matters.

C - Currency. When was this resource created? When was it published or posted? Does this resource fit into the currency of your topic?

T - Truth. How accurate is this information? Can you verify any of the claims in other sources? Are there typos and spelling mistakes?

U - Unbiased. Is the information presented to sway the audience to a particular point of view? Resources unless otherwise stated should be impartial.

P - Privilege. Check the privilege of the creator(s). Are they the only folks who might post or publish on this topic? Who is missing in this media? Critically evaluate the terms associated with each resource. How are they described? What are the inherent biases?


The PROVEN Method

P - Purpose: How and why was the source created?

R - Relevance: Does it support your argument? Does it add something new to your argument?

O - Objectivity: How thorough is the information? Does the source present fact or opinion? Are multiple points of view/perspectives presented?

V - Verifiability: Is the information presented accurate? Is it cited? Can you find the original source of info? Is it written well - spelling, punctuation, grammar?

E - Expertise: What makes the author of this source credible? Is their perspective widely accepted or is it an alternative perspective? Is this source cited elsewhere? If so, how often?

N - Newness: How old is this information? How relevant is the currency of the sources for your assignment?