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Tenure and Promotion at William & Mary

This guide assists tenure-track and research active faculty with identifying sources for and obtaining quantitative data, also known as metrics, about their publications as part of the tenure and/or promotion process.

Create an ORCiD iD

ORCID provides a persistent identifier – an ORCID iD – that distinguishes you from other researchers and a mechanism for linking your research outputs and activities to your iD. You can learn more about ORCiD and create an iD by visiting 

Once you've created an ORCiD, you can use your iD to submit publications, and you can link to your iD on your William & Mary faculty profile page.

Archive Your Publications in W&M ScholarWorks

You can improve your visibility by publishing your pre- and post-prints in W&M ScholarWorks, William & Mary's institutional repository. By publishing in W&M ScholarWorks, you can increase the discoverability of your work, contribute to open access publishing, obtain access to W&M ScholarWorks-specific impact metrics, and preserve your files. 

If you're unsure about whether or not you have permission to self-archive your work, or you want to self-archive an upcoming publication, you can reach out to a librarian to discuss tactics for negotiating copyright and/or to review your publishing agreement. 

Other Ideas

Methods for increasing visibility (and their acceptability) vary in each discipline.The following are merely suggestions/ideas to get you thinking:

  • Include publications in an online Subject Repository - such as AgEcon SearcharXiv.orgRePEcSSRN, etc.
  • Publish in an Open Access journal or self-archive it (if publisher allows).
  • Publish/share data associated with your research
  • Publish in an online journal with search features allowing users to find articles that cite it. For example, see "cited by" features in Highwire Press journal articles.
  • Share publications using social networking tools such as MendeleyResearchGate,twitterSlideSharefigshare, blogs, etc.
  • Create an online presence utilizing tools such as ORCiD IDGoogle Scholar Citations profile, or LinkedIn and link to your profile on university webpages, vitae, and/or within email signatures.
  • List/link publications on personal websites or university webpages that are trawled by Google Scholar - specifically not behind a login screen such as that of WebCT, Blackboard, or Moodle.
  • List as recommended reading on a course website (but not buried behind a login).
  • Bone up on how to influence Google page rankings - Facebook shares, back links, and tweets are the top ways to increase page visibility in search engine result pages.
  • Keywords and abstracts play a vital role in researchers retrieving an article - especially for indexes or search engines that do not have the full-text of the article available. Be sure to identify numerous synonyms and use terms that you used in conducting your own literature review.
  • Publish thought-provoking, critical pieces or literature reviews - these traditionally have higher citation rates as do those dealing with hot topics.


This guide was reused and adapted from Promotion & Tenure Resource Guide, by Iowa State University Library. Available:

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