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Tenure and Promotion at William & Mary

This guide assists tenure-track and research active faculty with identifying sources for and obtaining quantitative data, also known as metrics, about their publications as part of the tenure and/or promotion process.

Getting Started with Google Scholar

To register for the first time - simply go to Google Scholar Citations and click on create a new account (in upper right corner). Once you have registered, follow the directions to locate your publications in Google Scholar and pull them into your profile.

Note: Be sure to check the box to make the profile PUBLIC. This will enable researchers to click on your name in the search results and view your Google Scholar Profile and find/view your other publications.

If you already have a Google account, simply sign in and then look in the upper right hand corner of the screen for "My Citations."

Export options from Citation Profiles include as a BibTeX file, downloaded to EndNote, Excel (as a CSV file), RefMan, or converted to a PDF.

You can also choose to be notified by email every time Google Scholar finds a new citation to one of your publications.


This guide was reused and adapted from Promotion & Tenure Resource Guide, by Iowa State University Library. Available:

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