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BUAD 311: Principles of Marketing


Welcome to the research guide for BUAD 311: Principles of Marketing, which was designed for students enrolled in Professor Don Rahtz and Professor Lisa Szykman's classes. The guide is aligned with the final group project, the Marketing Plan. Use the navigation on the left to identify and locate resources that are essential to completing this project.

Marketing Plan Outline

  1. Executive Summary
    1. Summarize the "what" and "why" very briefly; what do you plan to do (e.g., introduce new line of products), what objectives do you hope to accomplish, and why do you think your plan will succed?
  2. Situation Analysis
    1. Internal
    2. External
    3. Marketing Plan Objectives
    4. Opportunities to Explore
  3. Marketing Strategy (STP & Marketing Mix)
  4. Marketing Information Requirements
  5. Implementation & Control Plan
  6. Appendices, Exhibits, Reference/Bibliography


Profile Photo
William Judd
McLeod Business Library
Raymond A. Mason School of Business
Alan B. Miller Hall
101 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185