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Botany and Gardening Resources in the Special Collections Research Center

This is a guide to the rare books, periodicals, and manuscripts for the study of botany, horticulture, flowers, gardens, and gardening in the Special Collections Research Center.

Botanical Books

The list below primarily reflects rare book holdings found using a search for the terms botanical or botany.

The Southern botanic physician: being a treatise on the character, causes, symptoms and treatment of the diseases of men, women and children of all climates, on vegetable or botanical principles, as taught at the reformed medical colleges in the U. S.: containing also many valuable recipes for preparing medicines: the whole preceded by practical rules for the prevention of disease and the preservation of health / compiled from the best works now published on the reformed practice by Simon B. Abbott.
Call Number: RC81 .A4
Publication Date: 1844

The universal gardener and botanist: or, A general dictionary of gardening and botany. Exhibiting in botanical arrangement, according to the Linnæan system the various genera and species of plants, trees, shrubs, flowers, and fruits, that merit culture for use, ornament and variety ... describing the botanic classes, orders, and characters of the genera, with general and specific descriptions of the species of each genus, their respective and general uses, different methods of propagation, and general culture in their several departments ... By Thomas Mawe and John Abercrombie ...
Call Number: SB45 .A2 1797
Publication Date: 1797

Dictionarium britannicum: or, A more compleat universal etymological dictionary than any extant ... Illustrated with near five hundred cuts ... Likewise a collection and explanation of English proverbs; also of words and phrases us'd in our ancient charters, statutes ... Also ... mythology ... To which is added, a collection of proper names of persons and places in Great-Britain, &c. ... by Bailey, N. (Nathan)
Call Number: 423 B15
Publication Date: 1736

Elements of botany: or Outlines of the natural history of vegetables. Illustrated by thirty plates. By Benjamin Smith Barton ...
Call Number: QK45 .B28 1803
Publication Date: 1803

Compendium florae philadelphicae: containing a description of the indigenous and naturalized plants found within a circuit of ten miles around Philadelphia. By William P.C. Barton.
Call Number: QK183 .B2
Publication Date: 1818

Florula bostoniensis. A collection of plants of Boston and its environs, with their generic and specific characters, synonyms, descriptions, places of growth, and time of flowering, and occasional remarks. By Jacob Bigelow, M. D.
Call Number: QK166 .B5 1814
Publication Date: 1814

American medical botany, being a collection of the native medicinal plants of the United States, containing their botanical history and chemical analysis, and properties and uses in medicine, diet and the arts, with coloured engravings. By Jacob Bigelow, M. D. ...
Call Number: QK99 .B47
Publication Date: 1817-1820

Anatomia sambuci: or, The anatomie of the elder: Cutting out of it, plain, approved, and specific remedies for most and chiefest maladies: confirmed and cleared by reason, experience, and history /collected in Latine by Martin Blochwich ...;translated for the benefit of all ; and recommended by the Royal Society. by Blochwitz, Martin
Call Number: R128.7 .B5
Publication Date: 1677

A treatise on the culture and growth of different sorts of flower roots, and of green house plants kept in rooms, &c. To which is added, a table of the Linnæan classes of botany, with their orders and examples. By J. P. Casey ...
Call Number: SB419 .C33
Publication Date: 1821

Flore médicale / décrite par F.P. Chaumeton, Chamberet et Poiret ; peinte par Madame E. Panckoucke et par P.J.F. Turpin. by Chaumeton, François-Pierre
Call Number: QK99 .F4
Publication Date: 1814-20

Caroli Clusii Atrebatis aulae Caesareae quondam familiaris, exoticorum libri decem: quibus animalium, plantarum, aromatum, aliorum*que peregrinorum fructuum historiae describuntur: / Item Petri Bellonii observationes, eodem Carolo Clusio interprete. Series totius operis post praefationem indicabitur. Caroli Clusii. by Clusius, Carolus
Call Number: QK41 .C58
Publication Date: 1605

An introduction to the study of botany: including a treatise on vegetable physiology, and descriptions of the most common plants in the middle and northern states / by J. L. Comstock, M.D.--
Call Number: QK47 .C73 1842
Publication Date: 1842 [c1843]

Iac. Cornvti ... Canadensivm planatarvm, aliarúmque nondum editarum historia. Cui adiectum ad calcem Enchiridion botanicvm parisiense, continens indicem plantarum, quae in pagis, siluis, pratis, et montosis iuxta Parisios locis nascuntur. by Cornut, Jacques Philippe
Call Number: QK41 .C8
Publication Date: 1635

A catalogue of plants, native or naturalized, in the vicinity of New Bern, North Carolina; with remarks and synonyms. By H. B. Croom ...
Call Number: QK178 .C7
Publication Date: 1837

Catalogue of green-house plants, hardy trees, evergreen shrubs, flowering shrubs, bulbous rooted, and herbaceous plants: arranged by their botanical and English names... with a collection of the most esteemed varieties of fruit trees, and a catalogue of garden seeds / cultivated and for sale at the nurseries and gardens by David & Cuthbert Landreth.
Call Number: SB407 .L3 1826
Publication Date: 1826

Hortus Collinsonianus. An account of the plants cultivated by the late Peter Collinson. Arranged alphabetically according to their modern names, from the catalogue of his garden, and other manuscripts. Not published. By Dillwyn, L.W. (Lewis Weston)
Call Number: 580.74 D58 oversize
Publication Date: 1843

Manual of botany, for North America: containing generic and specific descriptions of the indigenous plants and common cultivated exotics, growing north of the Gulf of Mexico / by Amos Eaton.
Call Number: QK110 .E13 1829
Publication Date: 1829

The cottage garden of America: containing practical directions for the culture of flowers, fruits, and vegetables, the nature and improvement of soils, manures, and their application, wounds, diseases and cures, monthly caldendar, insects, botany, etc. / by Walter Elder.
Call Number: SB93 .E37 1850
Publication Date: 1850

A report on the trees and shrubs growing naturally in the forests of Massachusetts. Originally published agreeably to an order of the Legislature by the Commissioners on the Zoological and Botanical Survey of the state. By George B. Emerson ...
Call Number: QK484 .M4 E5 1875
Publication Date: 1875

Conversations on botany. With plates. by Fitton, Elizabeth
Call Number: QK49 .F5 1818
Publication Date: 1818

De historia stirpium commentarii insignes ... Accessit ijs succincta vocum obscurarum in hoc opera occurrentium explicato, unà cum quintuplici indice, Græcas, Latinas, herbarijs seu officinis, Gallicas & Italicas nomenclaturas continente / Leonharto Fuchsio.
Call Number: QK41 .F7
Publication Date: 1555

The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by John Gerarde of London, master in chirurgerie. Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson, citizen and apothecarye of London. By Gerard, John
Call Number: QK41 .G3 1633
Publication Date: anno 1633

Caroli Linnæi ... Systema plantarum Europæ, exhibens characteres naturales generum, characteres essentials generum & specierum, synonima antiquorum, phrases specificas recentiorum Halleri, Scopoli, &c. Descriptiones rariorum, nec-non floras tres novas, lugdunæam, delphinalem, lithuanicam, non omissis plantis exoticis in hortis Europæ vulgo obviis. Curante Joan. Emman. Gilibert ... by Gilibert, Jean Emmanuel
Call Number: QK281 .G4
Publication Date: 1785-1787

Anatomie et ame des plantes, qui contient une description exacte de leurs naissances, nourritures, progrez, parties & usages, & qui fait voit comment elles croissent. Avec un Recueil d'experiences & observations curieuses, par les Srs. N. Grew, R. Boyle, & N. Dedu. Enrichie de tailles-douces. By Grew, Nehemiah.
Call Number: QK41 .G8 1691
Publication Date: 1691

A modern herbal; the medicinal, culinary, cosmetic and economic properties, cultivation and folk-lore of herbs, grasses, fungi, shrubs, & trees with all their modern scientific uses, by Mrs. M. Grieve ... with an introd. by the editor, Mrs. C. F. Leyel.
Call Number: 615.32 G87
Publication Date: 1931

Flora virginica, exhibens plantas quas v. c. Johannes Clayton in Virginia observavit atque collegit. Easdem methodo sexuali disposuit, ad genera propria retulit, nominibus specificis insignivit, & minus cognitasdescripsit Joh. Fred. Gronovius ... by Gronovius, Johannes Fredericus
Call Number: QK191 .G86 1743
Publication Date: 1743

The lady's book of flowers and poetry; to which are added, a botanical introduction, a complete floral dictionary; and a chapter on plants in rooms. Ed. By Lucy Hooper.
Call Number: 811.1 H76L
Publication Date: 1842

An experimental dissertation on the Rhus vernix, Rhus radicans and Rhus glabrum: commonly known in Pennsylvania by the names of poison-ash, poison-vine and common sumach / by Thomas Horsfield.
Call Number: RM666 .C53 B7 [no. 4]
Publication Date: 1798

Elements of botany ... By John Hull ...
Call Number: QK92 .H9
Publication Date: 1800

Irving's catechism of botany: containing a description of the most familiar and interesting plants, arranged according to the Linnaean system. With an appendix, on the formation of an herbarium. By Irving, C. (Christopher)
Call Number: QK49 .I7 1850
Publication Date: 1850

A voyage from England to India, in the year MDCCLIV. And an historical narrative of the operations of the squadron and army in India, under the command of Vice-Admiral Watson and Colonel Clive in the years 1755, 1756, 1757; including a correspondence between the admiral and the nabob Serajah Dowlah ... Also, a journey from Persia to England, by an unusual route. With an appendix, containing an account of the diseases prevalent in Admiral Watson's squadron: description of most of the trees, shrubs, and plants of India ... also a copy of a letter written by a late ingenious physician, on the disorders incidental to Europeans at Gombroon in the Gulph of Persia ... By Edward Ives ...
Call Number: DS47.5 I9
Publication Date: 1773

Caroli Linnaei ... Philosophia botanica, in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica cum definitionibus partium, exemplis terminorum, observationibus rariorum, adjectis figuris aeneis. By Linné, Carl von.
Call Number: QK91 .P5 1763
Publication Date: 1763

Caroli v. Linné ... Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm, et proportionem omnium fructificationis partium. By Linné, Carl von.
Call Number: QK41 .G4 1764
Publication Date: 1764

Caroli Linnæi Fundamentorum botanicorum ... pars prima[-secunda]. By Linné, Carl von.
Call Number: QK91 .F9 1786
Publication Date: 1786-1787

Histoire des plantes, nouvellement: trouu-éesen l'isle Virgine, & autres lieux, lesquelles ont esté prises & cultiuées au jardin de Monsieur Robin Arboriste du Roy.: Non encore veuës n'y Imprimées par cy deuant.
Call Number: QK41 .H58 1620
Publication Date: 1620

Thirty-eight plates, with explanations; intended to illustrate Linnæus's System of vegetables, and particularly adapted to the Letters on the elements of botany [by J.J. Rousseau] By Thomas Martyn ...
Call Number: QK98 .M3
Publication Date: 1799

The language of botany: being a dictionary of the terms made use of in that science, principally by Linneus / by Thomas Martyn.
Call Number: QK9 .M3 1807
Publication Date: 1807
Petri Andreæ Matthioli Opera quæ extant omnia, hoc est, Commentarii in VI. libros Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbei De medica materia: adjectis in margine variis Græci textus lectionibus, ex antiquissimis codicibus desumptis, qui Dioscoridis depravatam lectionem restituunt / à Casparo Bauhino ; post diversarum editionum collationem infinitis locis aucti; synonymiis quoque plantarum et notis illustrati ; adjectis plantarum iconibus, supra priores editions plus quàm trecentis (quarum quam plurimæ nunc prim`um describuntur) ad vivum delinatis ; De ratione distillandi aquas ex omnibus plantis ; et quomodo genuini odores in ipsis aquis conservari possint ; item, Apologia in Amatum Lusitanum, cum censura in ejusdem enarrationes ; Epistolarum medicinalium libri quinque ; Dialogus de morbo gallico ; cum
locupletissimis indicibus, tum ad rem herbariam, tum medicamentariam pertintibus.
By Mattioli, Pietro Andrea.
Call Number: R126 .D7 M3 1674
Publication Date: 1674

The native flowers and ferns of the United States in their botanical, horticultural and popular aspects. By Meehan, Thomas.
Call Number: QK112 .M49 1878
Publication Date: 1878-1879

Flora boreali-americana, sistens caracteres plantarum quas in America septentrionali collegit et detexit Andreas Michaux ...
Publication info.: Parisiis et Argentorati, apud fratres Levrault, anno XI--1803.
By Michaux, André.
Call Number: QK110 .M6
Publication Date: anno XI--1803

The North American sylva; or, A description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, considered particularly in respect to their use in the arts, and their introduction into commerce; to which is added a description of the most useful of the European forest trees ... Tr. from the French of F. Andrew Michaux ... with notes by J. Jay Smith ...
Call Number: QK481 .M5 1853
Publication Date: 1853

The gardeners kalendar: directing what works are necessary to be performed every month in the kitchen, fruit, and pleasure-gardens, as also in the conservatory and nursery ... / by Philip Miller.
Call Number: SB97 .M67
Publication Date: 1769

The gardener's dictionary: containing the methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit and flower-garden, as also the physic-garden, wilderness, conservatory and vineyard ... by Miller, Philip.
Call Number: SB45 .M6 1735-1740
Publication Date: 1735-1740

The North American sylva; or, A description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, not described in the work of F. Andrew Michaux, and containing all the forest trees discovered in the Rocky Mountains, the Territory of Oregon, down the shores of the Pacific and into the confines of California, as well as in various parts of the United States. Illustrated by 122 fine plates. By Thomas Nuttall ... In three volumes. Vol. I-[III] being the 4th-[6th] volume of Michaux and Nuttall's North American sylva.
Call Number: QK481 .N9
Publication Date: 1842-1849

The genera of North American plants, and a catalogue of the species, to the year 1817. By Thomas Nuttall...
Call Number: QK110 .N9 1818
Publication Date: 1818

Botany for beginners: an introduction to Mrs.Lincoln's Lectures on botany / by Phelps, Lincoln, Mrs..
Call Number: QK47 .P527 1844
Publication Date: 1844, c1833

Nova plantarum americanarum genera, authore p. Carolo Plumier ... By Plumier, Charles.
Call Number: QK225 .P67
Publication Date: 1703

Resources of the southern fields and forests, medical, economical, and agricultural. Being also a medical botany of the Confederate States; with practical information on the useful properties of the trees, plants, and shrubs. By Francis Peyre Porcher ...Prepared and published by order of the surgeon-general, Richmond, Va.
Call Number: SB108 .U6 S76 1863
Publication Date: 1863

Phytognomonica Io. Baptistæ Neopolitani, octo libris contenta; in quibus nova, facillimaque affertur methodus, qua plantarum, animalium, metallorum; rerum denique omnium ex prima extimæ faciei inspection quiuis abditas vires assequatur ... Nunc prim`um ab innumeris mendis, quibus passim neopolitana edition scatebat, vindicatá; cum rerum & verborum indice locupletissimo. By Porta, Giambattista della.
Call Number: QK41 .P8
Publication Date: 1650

A short treatise on horticulture: embracing descriptions of a great variety of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, grape vines, bulbous flowers, greenhouse trees and plants, &c., nearly all of which are at present comprised in the collection of the Linnaean botanic garden, at Flushing, near New-York. With directions for their culture, management, &c. By Prince, William.
Call Number: SB93 .P95
Publication Date: 1828

Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees and plants, bulbous flower roots, green-house plants, &c. &c., cultivated at the Linnaean Botanic Garden, William Prince, Proprietor, Flushing, Long Island, near New York. To which is added a short treatise on their cultivation, &c. By Prince, William.
Call Number: SB113 .P7 1822
Publication Date: 1822

Flora Americae Septentrionalis; or, A systematic arrangement and description of the plants of North America. Containing, besides what have been described by preceding authors, many new and rare species, collected during twelve years travels and residence in that country, by Frederick Pursh ...
Call Number: QK110 .P9
Publication Date: 1814

A history of the vegetable kingdom; embracing the physiology of plants, with their uses to man and the lower animals, and their application in the arts, manufactures, and domestic economy. By William Rhind.
Call Number: QK45 .R4 1857
Publication Date: 1857

Letters on the elements of botany. Addressed to a lady. By the celebrated J. J. Rousseau, transl. into English, with notes, and twenty-four additional letters, fully explaining the system of Linnaeus. By Thomas Martyn ...
Call Number: QK92 .R8 1787
Publication Date: 1787

Botanical harmony delineated: or, Applications of some general laws of nature to plants ... By James Henry Bernardin de Saint-Pierre ... Tr. by Henry Hunter ... Standard title: [Applications de quelques lois générales de la nature aux plantes. English] By Bernardin de Saint-Pierre.
Call Number: QK81 .S14
Publication Date: 1797

Catalogue of medicinal plants, and extracts: to which are affixed their most prominent medical properties: also, essential oils, and double distilled fragrant waters / prepared and for sale by the United Society of Shakers, at Union Village, Ohio.
Call Number: RS164 .S5
Publication Date: 1847

An introduction to physiological and systematical botany. By James Edward Smith ...
Call Number: QK45 .S64 1814
Publication Date: 1814

A grammar of botany, illustrative of artificial, as well as natural classification: with an explanation of Jussieu's system. By Sir James Edward Smith ... To which is added, a reduction of all the genera contained in the catalogue of North American plants, to the natural families of the French professor. By the late Henry Muhlenberg, D. D.
Call Number: QK94 .S6 1822
Publication Date: 1822

The anatomy of the human bones; with an account of muscular motion, and the circulation of the blood: also of digestion and nutrition: with a description of the four senses. Illustrated with variety of copper plates. To which is added, a short and easy method of discovering the virtues of plants in curing the diseases of the human body. By George Thomson, M. A.
Call Number: QM21 .T5
Publication Date: 1734

New guide to health; or Botanic family physician. Containing a complete system of practice on a plan entirely new: with a description of the vegetables made use of, and directions for preparing and administering them, to cure disease. To which is prefixed, a narrative of the life and medical discoveries of the author. By Samuel Thomson.
Call Number: RV3 .T5
Publication Date: 1835

Sketches towards a Hortus botanicus americanus; or, Coloured plates ... of new and valuable plants of the West Indies and North and South America ... By W. J. Titford ...
Call Number: QK98 .T6
Publication Date: 1811

The American wheat culturist: a practical treatise on the culture of wheat, embracing a brief history and botanical description of wheat, with full practical details for selecting seed, producing new varieties, and cultivating on different kinds of soil / by S. Edwards Todd.
Call Number: SB191 .W5 T6
Publication Date: 1868

Tracts on practical agriculture and gardening... with several useful improvements in stoves and green-houses. To which is added a chronological catalog of English authors on agriculture, botany, gardening,&c by R. Weston.
Call Number: SB97 .W4 1773
Publication Date: 1773

The principles of botany, and of vegetable physiology. Translated from the German of D. C. [sic] Willdenow
Call Number: QK45 .W5 1805
Publication Date: 1805

Class-book of botany: being outlines of the structure, physiology, and classification of plants ; with a flora of the United States and Canada / by Alphonso Wood.
Call Number: QK117 .W9 1864
Publication Date: 1864 [c1860]

Seedsmans' Catalog