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BIOL 150: Emerging Diseases

This Course Guide contains links to resources that should be helpful in preparing your assignments for Biology 150: Emerging Diseases .

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Advanced Searching in Google Scholar

When using Google Scholar, you may feel overwhelmed by the amount of search results for a basic topic search.  Using the features of the advanced search will help you to narrow the focus and retrieve more relevant search results.  

Open the advanced search menu by clicking the black arrow next to the search box. 

Sometimes it is useful to search multiple word concepts as a phrase, instead of single words.  Use the "with the exact phrase" box to search for topics such as "emerging tropical diseases" or "climate change mitigation".

You will return more specific search results if you search for your key terms in the title of an article.

You can also use the advanced search to search for a specific author, publication title or date range. 

Google Scholar can be used to search for legal documents as well, use "select courts" to specify which specific courts you would like to search.