Diccionario de la Lengua Española: REF PC 4625 .A3 2001
Diccionario de uso del Español: REF PC 4625 .M6
The Oxford-Duden Pictorial Spanish-English Dictionary: REF PC 4629 .O94
Spanish-English Dictionary = Diccionario Español-Inglés: REF PC 4640 .S593 2006
Spanish Encyclopedias:
Enciclopedia Hispanica (18 vols.): REF AE 61 .E52 1992
Gran Enciclopedia Rialp (24 vols.): REF AE 61 .G75
Subject Encyclopedias:
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin American and Caribbean Cultures: REF F 1406 .E515 2000
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Spanish Culture (3 vols): REF: DP 233.5 .E63 1999
Encyclopedia of Latin American and Caribbean Literature, 1900-2003: REF PQ 7081 .A1 E558 2004
Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture (5 vols): REF F 1406 .E53 1996
Encyclopedia of Latin American Politics: REF F 1410 .E66 2002
Latinas in the United States: A Historical Encyclopedia (3 vols.): REF E 184 .S75 L35 2006
Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States
Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures (3 vols.): REF F 1218.6 .O95 2001
Pop Culture Latin America!: REF F 1414.2 .S495 2005
Research Guides:
Guide to Reference Works on the Study of the Spanish Language and Literature and Spanish American Literature: REF PC 4071 .A1 W6 1997
Latin America and the Caribbean: A Critical Guide to Research Sources: REF F 1408 .A1 L3225 1992
A Sourcebook for Hispanic Literature and Language: REF PC 4071.A2 B55 1995
Literary Criticism:
Diccionario de Literatura Española e Hispanoamericana: REF PQ 6006 .D6 1993
Dictionary of the Literature of the Iberian Peninula: REF PN 849 .S6 D54 1993
Encyclopedia of Latin American and Caribbean Literature, 1900-2003: REF PQ 7081 .A1 E558 2004
Hispanic Literature Criticism (2 vols.): REF: PQ 6039 .H57 1994
Literary Cultures of Latin America (3 vols.): REF PQ 7081 .A1 L525 2004
Oxford Companion to Spanish Literature: REF PQ 6006 .O95
Spanish Literature, 1500-1700: REF PQ 6064 .M67 1984
Country Information:
Spain: REF DP 48 .R87 1976
Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean
Statistical Yearbook of the U.N.: REF HA 12.5.U63 2007