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HIST 301: Historian's Craft (Benes, Spring 2025)

Subject Encyclopedia Databases

The easiest way to find a subject database is to use one of our encyclopedia databases, which are electronic collections of a wide range of specialized encyclopedias.

Finding Encyclopedias in the Catalog

  • In the top box, search Encyclopedia* as a Subject
  • In the second box, type in your topic (Ex. women AND education)

World War I encyclopedias

Skim the Collection!

Though many of our print encyclopedias have been replaced with digital editions, we still have quite a few volumes in the main library. Start in the call number D section.

Map to reference section in library

Handbooks & Companions

To find handbooks related to your topic, add (handbook* OR companion)  to the search you've previously used to find monographs.

This works best in WorldCat because handbooks are extremely pricy and WM doesn't buy them all.