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HIST 712: US Civil War Era Research Seminar HIST 712 (Spring 2025)

Subject Encyclopedia Databases

The easiest way to find a subject database is to use one of our encyclopedia databases, which are electronic collections of a wide range of specialized encyclopedias.

Finding Encyclopedias in the Catalog

  • In the top box, search Encyclopedia* as a Subject
  • In the second box, type in your topic (Ex. women AND education)

Civil War example.

Skim the Collection!

Though many of our print encyclopedias have been replaced with digital editions, we still have quite a few volumes in the main library. Start in the call number D section.

Map to reference section in library

Handbooks & Companions

To find handbooks related to your topic, add (handbook* OR companion)  to the search you've previously used to find monographs.

This works best in WorldCat because handbooks are extremely pricy and WM doesn't buy them all.