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HIST 131: History of Colonial Latin America to 1824 (Fall 2024)

Give it a try

In groups, answer the following questions.

1) Find a book

Find A book about rebellions or revolutions in Latin America during the colonial period

HINT: Use the main library catalog ; limit to books and ebooks ; use quotation marks AND boolean

2) Find an article

Find a peer reviewed article about the slave trade in Saint Domingue during the 17th century

Hint: Use America: history and life; use boolean (quotation marks, AND/OR/NOT, use the time period limiter under Filters)

3) Historiography

Use the Catalog to find a book with a Historiography chapter about Slavery in Brazil

Hint: limit to books ; use the historiograph* keyword ; use boolean ; look at the table of contents of top search results to find chapters

4) WorldCat

In WorldCat, find a book about Bermuda and smuggling in the Atlantic World

HINTS: use boolean, use quotation marks and AND, keep the search simple

5) ILL

Everyone with a laptop at the table needs to create an ILL account. Call me over and show me everyone's screen when you're done.


Be sure to sign up as a student, not faculty/staff.

For dept, put in your major