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Hist 100: Children’s History and the History of Children (Fall 2024)


  • Language has changed over the centuries, and it is often difficult to speak like - and think like - our 17th century ancestors. 

    Words like college, race, "Indian," meant different things, and concepts like gender or nationalism didn't even exist. 

    As an example, a search for "gender" in Colonial America only yields 2 results, and only then relating to grammar rules.

  • Most primary source databases will have "thematic" filters to get you started. Before keyword searching, start there. See what curated documents come up. From those documents, see what terminology is being used by contemporaries.   

  • Begin with basic searches and do not be too complicated.  DO NOT USE TOO MANY TERMS AT ONCE

  • Be sure to use period-specific language.

  • Do NOT search a bunch of terms. This will give more, not less, false its.

  • Pick keywords carefully -- remember that words and their meaning change over time
    • Example. If you're interested in depictions of Gender, the word "gender" won't work -- it meant something else. Try masculinity or femininity. Similarly, the Civil War was not called the Civil War, the same way the "Seven Years War" wasn't called that as it was happening.
  • Use the database limiting tools (publication date, place of publication, etc) to limit results. Do this instead of adding more search terms. 
  • Use boolean (and or not) to make the best searches.

Highlighted Resources

Scanned collections of school books for children: UMizzoCRLHarvardStanfordBall State, and UPitt