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HIST 150: Liberal Arts Education and the Vision of a Liberal Society (Spring 2024)

Using the "publication" limiter

After finding secondary sources in the catalog, you'll have a good sense of the keywords to use for your topic.

Now, try one of your searches from before, but limit the publication box to your time period.

For example, I'm interested in 19th century school houses. I revisit my earlier search of ("school house*" OR "schoolhouse*") AND American

I then narrow the publication field to 1800-1899. I find 66 books about my topic published during that time period, making them primary sources. There are also 136 newspaper and magazine articles, also all primary sources.

Finding Primary Sources in the Catalog

Use The main library catalog to find primary sources by limiting to publication date or using the subject headings below. 

Example: "College of William and Mary" limited to 1800-1850

Use Subject Terms to find historic materials in the collection. NOTE: DO NOT LIMIT PUBLICATION DATE RANGE FOR THESE SEARCHES

  • Personal narratives
  • Sources
  • Correspondence
  • Biography
  • Interviews
  • Letters
  • Speeches
  • Pamphlets
  • Sermons
  • Diaries
  • Wills
  • Logbooks

Unofficial terms that are not Library of Congress official terms but may be helpful

  • Account
  • Archives
  • Autobiography
  • Collection
  • Documents
  • Documentary history
  • Eye witness
  • First hand account
  • Letters
  • Life stories
  • Manuscript documents
  • Manuscripts
  • Minutes
  • Oral history
  • Papers
  • Primary sources
  • Primary documents