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HIST 150: Liberal Arts Education and the Vision of a Liberal Society (Spring 2024)

Finding Articles

The Libraries have a LOT of e-journal subscriptions and hundreds of databases designed to help you find them. You can use PRIMO, the main catalog, to find interesting secondary sources (like articles!). For specialized  US history topics, you may want to try America: History and Life. Both work in a similar manner. 

Why so many databases?

Lets' say my topic is women's education in  Virginia , so I try the search:
Women AND education AND Virginia

Keyword Searching

In these databases, start with basic keyword searches. If you get too many results, try different keywords or narrow your search to "title" or "Abstract" searches.

Example: A keyword search for schoolhouse* or "School house*" in America: History and Life  brings up 338 results, but the same search limited to Title brings up only 136