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HIST 150: Southern Queery (Spring 2023)


Why Use Subscription Databases?

Say I'm interested in LGBT* college students in the south, so I try the search LGBT* AND "college students" AND south*
Compare the results:

My Example Search

  1. Start by writing out your question or topic.
    1. What is the history of LGBT student groups at W&M?
  2. identify key terms
    1. William and Mary 
    2. LGBT
    3. Student Groups
  3. identify potential synonyms
    1. William and Mary ; William & Mary
    2. LGBT ; Gay ; bisexual ; Variations of LGBT
    3. Students ; student groups ; student organizations
  4. Use AND OR NOT to create search phrases. 
    1. ("william and mary" OR "william & mary") AND (LGBT* OR Gay OR bisexual*) AND student*
  5. Conduct several searches, revising keywords backed on subject terms & commonly used language in the articles/books.

Round One of Searches for ("william and mary" OR "william & mary") AND (LGBT* OR Gay OR bisexual*) AND student*

^ What's the issue with this search?

At this point re-evaluate. The search term that is giving us trouble is W&M. Let's replace it with a slightly broader term.
Let's try a few different searches:

(LGBT* OR Gay OR bisexual*) AND "College students" AND (Virginia OR south*)