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HIST 150-03 Kashmir: Past, Present, Future (Fall 2023)

General Tips

Getting started

  • Use one of our specialized database below.
  • Stick with Keywords connected by AND.
  • Keep an eye open for Subjects.
  • Limit by publication date.
  • Pay attention to subjects and abstracts.
  • Look at bibliographies for additional sources if you're stuck!

Boolean (again!)

Be sure to use Caps for AND, OR, NOT when searching.

AND - searches for books and articles containing both terms. Example: Women AND Kashmir

OR - searches for one of the words. Example: India OR Pakistan

NOT - exclude a term. Example:  India NOT Pakistan

Parenthetical notes () - excellent for OR or NOT searches. Like a math equation, the database will do this part first.
Example: (India OR Pakistan) AND Kashmiri = search for Kashmiri in India or Pakistan
Example: (India NOT Pakistan) AND Kashmiri  = search for Kashmiri in India not Pakistan

Quotation Marks ""- Links words together in the search. Works best for phrases or proper names.
Example: "Azad Kashmir"
Example: "Himachal Pradesh"
Warning: You might exclude results. A search for "Jammu and Kashmir" will exclude all results for just Jammu or Kashmir.

Asterisk * - Allows you to search several word endings at once, without using OR.
Example: Kashmir* will give you Kashmir and Kashmiri and Kashmiris
Warning: You may get unexpected results. India* will give you India, Indian, Indians, Indiana, Indianapolis, etc.