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HIST 490C: American Revolution (Fall 2023)

Finding a book at Swem if you know the title

Example. If a citation leads you to the book The campus and a nation in crisis : from the American Revolution to Vietnam by Willis Rudy, copy the title into the library catalog search box.

Finding an article if you know the title

If you see a citation for an interesting article, or you find the article online but it's behind a paywall, search the title in the library catalog (link below). As an example, search "A Century in the Making: The Glorious Revolution, t'e American Revolution, and the Origins of the U.S. Constitution's Eighth Amendment" in the catalog for access.

If it doesn't come up, try America: History and Life (also below). Each database is owned by a different company, and sometimes an article we do own will only show up in some of our databases. It is frustrating.  If you can't find an article anywhere, no worries: use ILL (see below).


Requesting a book or article we don't own

If you cannot find a book or article in our catalog or databases, request it via InterLibrary Loan (ILL).

ILL is free and gives you access to important resources we don't own.  As an example, we don't own America Writes Its History, 1650-1850 so I would order it through ILL.