Multidisciplinary full-text journal articles from 1,500 major journals. Please note: In many cases, JSTOR does not include the most recent 3 to 5 years of these journals. Please use other databases to retrieve recent articles, especially for current events topics. Coverage: Varies by title. Access is available to 2007+ alumni; requires W&M userid and password.
Fine, decorative, and commercial art; photography, folk art, film, and architecture. Journal articles, dissertations, museum bulletins, and reproductions of art works. Coverage: Full text 1995-present; Indexes and Abstracts 1984-present.
Art Full Text includes 1,110 active indexed and abstracted journals. 778 of them are peer-reviewed. It also includes more than 14,000 indexed art dissertations and more than 230,000 indexed art reproductions.
Finding a Topic
One of the best ways to find a painting that you want to write about is to identify material that's already been written and then choose a painting from that. There are a few ways you can do this:
Find background resources whose references point you to example paintings. For example, the website ColourLex allows you to identify paintings by the pigments they use and provides references for further information
Browse research publications to see what works conservators and art historians have been writing about. Below you'll find a list of resources to help you get started with this.
Search a general database like JSTOR (and narrow to Art & Art History as subjects) or an art-specific database like Art Full-Text for technical reports on paintings; (painting OR art) AND (conserv* OR preserv*) AND technical
A publication by the Art Institute of Chicago that tells the stories of their collections. It discusses the materials, creators, and historical context of various works.
Non-peer reviewed papers presented at the American Institute for Conservation (AIC) Paintings Specialty group's session of the annual meeting as well as independent submissions
Digital images from around the world (including photography, architecture, decorative arts, graphic design, painting, and sculpture) in the arts, architecture, humanities, and sciences. Coverage: all time periods. To download or save images create a free user account with your W&M email.
Multidisciplinary full-text journal articles from 1,500 major journals. Please note: In many cases, JSTOR does not include the most recent 3 to 5 years of these journals. Please use other databases to retrieve recent articles, especially for current events topics. Coverage: Varies by title. Access is available to 2007+ alumni; requires W&M userid and password.