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ENGL 150: American Short Story Since 1900

Methodologies for finding first printings of short stories published post-1900.


Books are one of the primary ways that literary research gets published -- makes sense, right? There are several different types of books that you may find helpful in your quest. All of these can be found by searching in the library catalog.


Descriptive bibliographies are created by literary scholars and list out all short stories, novels, and other writings by an author, sometimes with annotations (phew!). You can search by your author’s last name and “bibliography” to find them.


Literary Criticism

It sounds harsh, but the "criticism" in "literary criticism" is really just academic lingo to describe research and analysis about literature. Lit crit can be found in online databases, but it's not uncommon for it to be found in print books, too. Searching for your author's name and "criticism" or "interpretation" can help you locate these kinds of books. 


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Liz Bellamy

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Liz Bellamy
Swem Library, Room 127