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Times Cited /Cited by/ Citing Articles

The "Times Cited" count indicates the number of times a published paper was cited by other papers, including conference proceedings papers. Times Cited, Cited by, and Citing Articles links all mean the same thing but appear at different locations within the database search.

This tool allows you to see what authors of the current  article is citing as well as who is citing the article you are currently viewing.

Web of Science and Google Scholar

Web of  Science

  • "Times cited" count available in search result when you search by author, specific article or topic. You can sort " times cited" to find articles with high or low citation counts.
  • Undercounts:  A general search in Web of Science captures only citations to journal articles published in  Web of Science (ISI) listed journals. Citations to books, book chapters, dissertations, theses, working papers, reports, conference papers, and journal articles published in non-ISI journals are not included. In cited search, other material is cited, but only if the reference is coming from an Web of Science (ISI) listed journal.  In addition only the primary author is cited from a non Web of Science source.
  • Web of Science (ISI) journals cover only English language journals.

Google Scholar

  • There is no published authority list of what Google Scholar includes or excludes. But unlike Web of Science, there could be citations for books, book chapters and grey literature.
  •  Sometimes the sources in Google Scholar  are not scholarly; some disciplines may have better coverage than others.
  • Older publications may not be captured as well in Google Scholar

Ebsco Databases

EBSCOhost Databases

The Times Cited feature is available in some of the EBSCO databases.  Available only for articles published from 2004-.  It lists only those citing articles that are available in the same database; it is not a universal citing tool.

The Cited References is also limited to other articles available through EBSCO.

After you click on Cited References, you will see a  series of boxes to enter information that you have.

cited author                                          cIted title

cited  source                                        cited date

Once you populate these fields, press the search button. With your results. to see the citing articles click the checkboxes and then press the Find Citing Articles button.