The Special Collections Research Center has a variety of materials in its Manuscript, University Archives and Rare Books sections that relate to German history and culture pertaining to World War II, the Holocaust and its aftermath. Some of the collections deal broadly with the U.S. experience during and after the war, and a few selected items illustrate a German perspective. A selection of those materials has been pulled for display during the class visitation.
The exhibit From the 'Burg to Berlin and Beyond: World War II at Swem Library was on display in the Nancy Marshall Gallery and the Special Collections Research Center in Swem Library through September 14, 2008. The audio recording of an exhibit tour by the exhibit's curator Dr. Beatriz Hardy, Marian and Alan McLeod Director of the Special Collections Research Center, is available.
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Miethe, A. D. Buchenwald. [S.l.]:Buchenwald National Memorial D805 .G3B82
Great Britain. Parliament., Stanhope, J. R. S. Buchenwald Camp: The report of a Parliamentary delegation. DD253 .G66
Paper war : Nazi propaganda in one battle, on a single day,Cassino, Italy, May 11, 1944
Shirer, William L. Berlin diary : the journal of a foreign correspondent, 1934-1941. D811.5 .S5 1987
Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone). Office of Military Government : A year of Potsdam : the German economy since the surrender HC286.5 .A85 1945
Critchfield, James H. Partners at the creation. HV8208.7 .B86 C75 2003
Allied Forces. Supreme Headquarters. Office of the Chief of Staff. Handbook for military government in Germany prior to defeat or surrender. KK4905 .A55 1944
Jewish Agency for Palestine. Search Bureau for Missing Relatives. Register of Jewish survivors. D810 .J4 J315
Grundig, Lea Langer. Be-ge ha-haregah : rishumim / me-et Leʼah Grundig. In the valley of slaughter. N6889.5 .G79 A4
ha-Gesher ha-ḥai : mifgash ha-mitnadvim ha-Eretsyiśreʼelim ʻim sheʼerit ha-peleṭah / Shraiber ; tirgum le-Anglit, Ḥayah Galai ; ʻorekh ha-ḳaṭalog, Yaʻaḳov Tamir]. Living bridge D810 .J4 G475 1983
Habas, Bracha. Yeladim mutsalim / ha-tsiyurim Leʼah Grundig. D810 .J4 H32
Lurie, Esther. Yehudiyot ba-shiʻbud / [me-et] Ester Lurya. Jewesses in slavery NC320 .Z9 L87 1945
Janco, Marcel. Ḳaṿ ha-ḳets : rishumim / M. Yanḳo ; [ha-ʻorkhim, Ḥayim Beʼer, Ḥayim Guri, Avraham Yavin]. ND979 .J3 A4 1981
Habas, Bracha. Ḳorot maʻpil tsaʻir : sipur mi-divre yamenu / Bracha Habas. PJ5053 .H19 K6 1941