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HIST 490C: Baseball and the World (Fall 2024)


  • Don't use too many words. Keep it simple.
  • Use the build-in features of the databases to narrow results, not additional search terms.
  • Spend time trying the same search in multiple databases.
  • Spend time thinking about the types of sources your topic will need: letters, newspapers, unpublished materials, etc.
  • If you're stuck, look at the footnotes of your published secondary sources to see where they are finding their sources.
  • Be mindful of how language changes over time. What terms would writers be using during the time period you're examining?


  • Let the database do your work!
    • Example: Baseball in the WW2
    • Go to our WW2 databases, find 2 or 3 of interest, and simply search baseball
  • Use advanced boolean!
  • Pick search terms carefully!
  • Use database filters!
    • Baseball in American popular culture during the 1920s