"Grey Literature" are scholarly or technical studies that are produced by experts or agencies but are outside of academic publications, and thus not captured in most databases. These are vital to understanding policies and politics, but are extremely difficult to find. Below are a few options on how t proceed.
If you find an NGO or organization that publishes studies on your topic, search them as an Author in our databases.
Example: european atomic energy community in Worldcat or Euratom in Worldcat
The Organization's official website is also a good place to find reports. Ex
Other examples:
Provides world energy statistics. Covers energy supply and consumption for over 100 countries and regions.
Provided by The World Bank Group, Energydata.info is an open data platform that provides access to datasets and data analytics relevant to the energy sector. It was developed in support of the United Nations' sustainable development goal of ensuring "access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable modern energy for all" (https://sdgs.un.org/goals).
The world's first major carbon market, the EU ETS is "a cornerstone of the EU's policy to combat climate change and its key tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions cost-effectively."
The World Bank Group provides the Global Solar Atlas, with data layers and maps, to support solar power in its client countries. Funded by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, it supports a global initiative on renewable energy resource mapping that includes biomass, small hydro, solar, and wind.
The IAEA is an intergovernmental organization for cooperation in the nuclear field. It provides information on nuclear applications and technology, nuclear safety and security, and related issues.
The International Energy Agency is comprised of 30 member countries (including the U.S.). It provides energy data and statistics on topics including coal, efficiency, electricity, emissions, prices, renewables, and more.
Provides information on development challenges, solutions, and strategic initiatives. Provides access to UNDP publications including the Human Development Report.
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change has 197 members and works on supporting the global response to climate change through treaty agreements, including the Paris agreement and the Kyoto Protocol.
Provides reports and data on the U.S. government's international development and disaster assistance efforts.
Provides information on the World Bank's development projects, data by country and indicator, and research and publications.
An international organization that represents the global nuclear industry. It provides global trends reports, policy papers, and data on nuclear power, energy, and the environment.
Use Secondary Sources and bibliographies to identify papers and organizations of interest.