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PHIL 150 Truth: What is it? Why Care About it? (Fall 2023)


  • Provide overview of Library services.
    • Material support (books, articles, dvds, equipment)
    • Writing & Research support (tutoring center, writing center, reference desk, research librarians)
    • Spaces (study rooms, recording rooms, study areas)
    • Misc (workshops, events, corgis)
  • Discuss how to use subject specific databases
    • Notably Philpapers and Philosopher's Index
  • Discuss what makes an article "scholarly" and how to evaluate sources

    • What is peer review?

    • How can we assess information sources?
      assessment of information sources as part of information literacy requirement

Ultimately, the 2 core goals of this session are:

  1. Introduce you to the library and to general research skills that'll work in every database, regardless of your major
  2. Give you practical skills that wil help with this class and assignment.