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HIST 301: The Historian's Craft (Schechter, Fall 2023)

Primary Sources

Some first thoughts

  • Newspapers

  • gov reports

  • legal materials

  • popular media

  • accounts

  • contemporary publications

  • images

  • interviews



For Newswires, NexisUni is a good place to look.
For example, this is a good place to search some of those earlier search terms from the original document like Ocean Springs AND UFO

Government Reports

Type of report will dictate where you look.

  • Congressional studies will be in ProQuest congressional.
    • Ex. Try (UFO* OR "unidentified flying objects" OR extraterrestrial* OR "Flying saucers" OR "Alien life" OR "alien lifeforms") limited to 1965-1975
  • Military and agency reports can be found in the catalog using the "author/creator" field
    • Example
    • you can also add the search phrase "Government Printing Office"
  • Agency and Military reports are also in WorldCat and the CGP


Law Journals & Legal Records

The best go-to NexisUni, which has law journals, court cases, admin codes, admin materials, and newswires.

Example search brings up really weird results.

I may want to omit UFO or "unidentified flying objects" and look at the admin material 

Popular Culture

  • Use reference books to identify books, films, tv, etc
  • Use our catalog to limit to films from 1960-1980 (ex)
  • Use WorldCat to find novels & films & TV from this period.
    • Ex (UFO* OR "unidentified flying objects" OR extraterrestrial* OR "Flying saucers" OR "Alien life" OR "alien lifeforms" OR aliens)  limited to "fiction" and 1965-1975
    • EX (UFO* OR "unidentified flying objects" OR extraterrestrial* OR "Flying saucers" OR "Alien life" OR "alien lifeforms" OR aliens) limited 1965-1975 limited to visual materials

Interviews AND accounts

In WorldCat, use ("personal narratives" OR letters OR biograph* OR autobiograph* OR diaries OR letters OR interview*) to find interviews or diaries

Limit 1965-1975 and nonfiction

Try search (UFO* OR "unidentified flying objects" OR extraterrestrial* OR "Flying saucers" OR "Alien life" OR "alien lifeforms") AND ("personal narratives" OR letters OR biograph* OR autobiograph* OR diaries OR letters OR interview*)



Look up the names of individuals who have report abductions, or use a basic search like UFO* AND interview* in a newspaper database, limited to 1965-1975 (ex) in


Magazine, Reports, Misc

Go into our biggest databases, narrow to 1965-1975, search  (UFO* OR "unidentified flying objects" OR extraterrestrial* OR "Flying saucers" OR "Alien life" OR "alien lifeforms") and see what happens.