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Exploring the Peer Review Process (Workshop, Summer 2023)

This is the companion guide for the Summer 2023 mini-course workshop.This workshop is an open and critical discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the modern peer review process, with practical consideration of how it shapes our research & writing

Activity: Why is Peer Review Necessary?

Cautionary Example

When peer review works correctly, it's hard to tell how it went well. 

When peer review isn't used at all, you can tell.

In 2019, literature scholar Naomi Wolf published a book, Outrages: Sex, Censorship, and the Criminalization of Love, with a non-academic press. 
Whatever their review process, it was overlooked that the work had a serious flaw: Dr. Wolf misinterpreted the British legal term "Death Recorded" to mean a death sentence -- it in fact meant a pardon or commuted sentence. Worse still, Dr. Wolf was called out on this live on BBC and the book was recalled from bookstores. 


Example of when peer review doesn't take place; Dr Wolf's book is cancelled because it wasn't sufficiently fact checked