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HIST 150: Coffee and Modernity (Spring 2024)


This is a very small sampling of our resources, just to give you an idea of what we have. See full lists of resources below.


  • Do NOT search a bunch of terms. This will give more, not less, false its.
  • Pick keywords carefully -- remember that words and their meaning change over time
    • Example. If you're interested in depictions of Gender in newspapers, the word "gender" won't work -- it meant something else. Try masculinity or femininity. Similarly, the Civil War was not called the Civil War, the same way the "Seven Years War" wasn't called that as it was happening.
  • Use the database limiting tools (publication date, place of publication, etc) to limit results. Do this instead of adding more search terms. 
  • Use boolean (and or not) to make the best searches.



Government Publications

Letters, Broadsides, Ephemera

Monographs & Published Works